This month's highlight is the realization by NAM that health and safety pays. If not in higher profit margins, then in sales of educational materials:
OSHA Fines Are on the Rise: Are You in Compliance?"OSHA Fines Are On the Rise?" Well, if so, not by much. The AFL-CIO reports that "The average penalty per violation and per willful violations both increased in FY 2003 from the FY 2002 level, while the average penalty per serious violation decreased to its lowest level since 1999." And what is the average penalty? In fiscal year (FY) 2003, serious violations of the OSH Act carried an average penalty of only $871 ($856 for federal OSHA, $885 for state OSHA plans).
It’s a juggling act no one likes performing — trying to stay on top of ever-changing OSHA regulatory developments while running a successful business. Is it possible to stay in compliance, ensure a safe environment for your staff and train them without taking time away from production — which could affect your bottom line?
"Ever-changing OSHA regulatory developments?" Thanks to NAM, the only thing that's changed is that there are fewer regulations on the books or in process than when the Bush administration came in.
To avoid those massive fines and keep track of the ever-
As you can see, these are being sold at half-price, undoubtedly an effort to unload them before OSHA starts giving away grant money to produce these programs for free.