I want to end the year with some thank you's to some special people:
- All of the people who send me stories to write about so that I can spend my time ranting and spewing, instead of searching. Particular thanks to Jonathan Bennett at NYCOSH, and a few others who need to remain nameless
- All of the people who send me money. I'm not getting rich on it, but I was able to buy a new computer (for which I am profoundly thankful every crashless day since), and the little bit of extra cash allows me to justify taking vacation days to speak at health and safety conferences.
- All the people who invite me to come and speak. I can't make them all (not enough vacation), but I do enjoy getting away from Washington to talk with you all.
- Other bloggers who inspire me with your insight, analysis, wit, wisdom and energy.
- Everyone who takes the time to submit a comment -- even critical comments -- and e-mails. I read them all, even if I don't always respond.
- Family members of workers killed on the job who inspire the rest of us by putting their lives into making sure it doesn't happen to anyone else.
- Tammy, without whom the Weekly Toll would not be possible.
- Everyone who sends out a group e-mail and forgets to put the addresses in the bcc box (allowing me to scarf up the addresses and send them all a free copy of Confined Space).
- All of you readers out there who grow more numerous every day. Keep passing it on. There are still several million people who haven't read Confined Space yet.
- My family, who still has a dim, distant memory of a father and husband who doesn't get sucked down to the basement every night.
IT'S AN ELECTION YEAR. Let's make it a good one.