Thursday, May 04, 2006

Take Confined Space On The Road With You

It's Spring and that means it's conference season again -- which provides a great opportunity to get health and safety information to workers, and to use that information to help create a movement in this country that will force the powers-that-be to take worker safety and health more seriously. Which is why I write this blog instead of sleeping or reading books.

In order to contribute to creating some kind of movement, Confined Space needs to reach the screens of far more workers than it does now. For that reason, I'm re-launching a two-pronged campaign to boost circulation.

  1. Linked here is a Confined Space flyer. Print up a few hundred thousand and drop them at workshops, meetings, conferences and other places where there are people you think might be interested. (There's also a more "G" rated version here.)

  2. Make an effort to forward Confined Space to anyone you think might be interested. You can forward the main link or click on those little envelop-arrow icons at the top of each post to send individual posts to friends and co-workers.
And if you have any other ideas, let me know.
