Friday, October 31, 2003

Industry Butchers Perform Back-Alley Late Term Abortion on ANSI Ergonomics Standard

As predicted a couple of weeks ago, after 13 years and over a half million dollars, industry hacks have succeeded in pressuring the National Safety Council (NSC) into surrendering its position as Secretariat to the ANSI Management of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders committee.

A labor spokesperson criticized the NSC for succumbing to industry pressure and stated that if the NSC doesn't care about workes, then labor wouldn't bother participating in its activities.

The committee had been working since 1990 to adopt a "consensus" standard on upper extremity musculoskeletal injuries. Finally, after 13 years, the ANSI “Z365” committee was close to finalizing an ergonomics standard.

The final draft of the late standard can be found here. May it rest in peace.

For the few of you who don't read every word I write, you can read my previous rantings about this subject here.

In respect for the dead, I have nothing else to say. In lieu of flowers, send money to the Washington State No on 841 campaign.