Saturday, June 04, 2005

Around the Blogosphere

Traveling a bit lately, for work and for family, so not much time to write. And, as usualwhen I don't have much time to write, I refer you to some interesting posts by other bloggers:

Revere at Effect Measure points to a little noticed Supreme Court decision at the end of April that may "the courthouse door open to citizens whose lives, property and well-being have been harmed by negligent or fraudulent actions of a pesticide manufacturer."

And then he has a rather troubling post about the lessons of SARS -- that the US has failed to prepare rank and file health care workers for an influenza pandemic. He thinks that
maybe a good first step would be to replace the leadership of the US federal health establishment, who, to use a phrase from the last election, has been a miserable failure with respect to preparing the country for the most foreseeable, palpable and dangerous public health threat in decades.
Nathan Newman at Labor Blog has a story about a slew of pro-labor legislation passed in the state of Illinois. (Yes, you read it correctly: PRO-labor legislation.) Two laws help nurses, one by "facilities to implement violence prevention training and formal violence prevention plans" and another by prohibiting mandatory overtime for nurses.

Impact Analysis looks into the different options being considered to phase out perchloroethylene, a carcinogenic solvent used to dry clean clothes -- and exposes not only dry cleaning employees, but also any of you who take your clothes to be cleaned.
