I'm out of here. Leavin' on a jet plane. On vacation!
To a far-away land where I'll have no (or very limited) access to a computer. Back the week of April 4th.
But instead of leaving you all in a lurch, I've asked a few of my good friends to join Tammy and fill in for me while I'm gone. They are among the best and the brightest in occupational safety and health, so I'm sure you'll be well taken care of. I'll let them introduce themselves as they write, although some may wish to remain anonymous. Be kind to them. I'm hoping a few will get the fever and continue after I return.
The always-wonderful Celeste Monforton will help to coordinate this gaggle, so if you have any good ideas or spy any major problems (broken links, world-altering typos, etc.) feel free to e-mail her.
Talk to you when I get back....
-- Jordan